We're pleased to announce the 2024-25 Tournament Schedule:
PeeWee AA John Erickson Invitational - January 31st - February 2nd, 2024 - $1,900
(Registration Fees include Gate fees) - 4 game guarantee
NOTE: Saturday's Game Times Are Subject to Change based on Rink Availability
Head-to-Head Goal DIfferential (capped @ 5 goals per game)
Overall Goal Differential capped @ 5 goals per game
Overall Goals Scored
Overall Goals Allowed
Overall Goal Quotient
Tie breakers never go back to the top of the tie breaker list. For example, if three teams are tied with Head to Head as the first tie breaker, and all three teams have a 1-1 record against each other, the Head to Head rule doesn't break any ties. The system will then go to the next tie breaker. If the next tie breaker is Goal Diff and Team 1 has a differential of 3, Team 2 has a differential of 2 and Team 3 a differential of 1, then Team 3 will be last, Team 2 second and Team 1 first, even if Team 2 beat Team 1 Head to Head because it was bypassed in the first step and does not go back to the top, even after Team 3 is eliminated by the differential rule.
Tournament Director